
I want to see
Perhaps a bird? But not when it flies
I want to see how it sleeps
Does it rest like us with closed eyes?

I want to talk
Not with those who hear but don't listen
I want to narrate my story to my pet
Because the dumb only pay attention

I want to trek that hill
Not to claim it's formidable peak
I just want to see what lays in its path
It's the beauty of Nature I seek

I want to enjoy a meal
Not when it's lavish, free or just the regular
Not even when it's cooked with love of my mother
For once I want the taste of starvation and hunger

I want to make friends
Not only those with whom I can enjoy or relax
I want to stand by the one who is lonely and bullied
I want him to smile when laugh at his wisecracks

I want to sing and dance
Not for others on a stage or at any party
Not on a schedule, just anytime and anywhere
When I am reminded of things that make me happy

I want to play
Not with anyone's life or emotions
Why lie and deceive in adult life?
When I was once a playful child, full of innocence?

I want to win
Not all the accolades or any self-set goals
No, neither can I fulfill everyone's expectations
But I do want to win their hearts and souls

I want to dream
Not of success or fame in daydreams
Oh! I just want a happy day of hard work
And a sound sleep full of sweet dreams

I want to save the world
From man and all that he made
Because Mother Nature comes first
Oh! But for helping man what a price She paid!

And so I want to do things differently
You may ridicule, mock or hurt me too
But you've got to realize that I am different from you!


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