
Showing posts from 2020

Dear Mom

Here comes another Mother's Day So I write one more poem for you today You will definitely be bored of this I know But its the only way my love I can show! Because I can't thank you enough you see For the excruciating pain you took to birth me, The career you gave up to have me raised Your selfless sacrifice will always be praised... How you listened to my rantings of the whole day The hours of your life that I stole, I cannot repay... The tantrums I threw, how often I cried over a silly thing! You were patient, reassuring...a smile you always managed to bring At bedtime & mealtime your Tuan Tuin stories rock, How fashionably you stitched every one of my frock! The barbie dolls & crayons you rewarded as prize Winning became easier with the motivation you devised Your terrific genes were more than I could ask for Intelligence, creativity...and the Nature I adore You are are my first teacher, a tailor, a gardener, even an interior decorator! a mathematici

His Death & My Tears

Pitifully I weep copious tears My only solace is the warmth it bears How curious the cold numbness in my heart Becomes hot tears as I fall apart! I mourn his death, but he is not dead He lives, breathes…in joy, I dread Far away from me, severing all ties This void can only be felt when he dies So I wail, I scream, I sob, I cry The absence, the loss makes me wanna die If thus abandoned I’m as good as dead, Let me live, and feign his death instead! How else can I ever convince my mind? That he won’t return, he has left me behind That he is happy without me in his life Since I brought nothing to him but strife Time has flown; it’s been a year But I’m stuck, still loving him as a dear The flickering flame of hope that he’ll return Time chooses cruelly to no longer burn And so I falsely pronounce him dead But my grief is real, true tears I shed Everywhere his memories surround Remind me that he is no more around It hurts to even


He said to me “Sometimes I take off my specs, you see And without them on, I have no clue That the person waving at me is you!” “So if I don’t wave back or smile Don’t think I have any attitude or style And please please don’t you mind Don’t judge me as impolite and unkind” I replied smiling bright, “Don’t you worry! It’s quite alright! Now that you have explained I wouldn’t mind again!” “Maybe next time I will say ‘Hey!’ And wave wildly all the way So that you hear me at least Don’t wear specs for me, I insist!” And so the misunderstanding was cleared He didn’t overlook me as I had feared Just that it was me, he was unaware Coz of the spectacles he didn’t wear But why did he clarify this now? I liked him, did he come to know somehow? Is that why he needed to make sure That no hurt feelings I should endure?! Or was it an excuse to really ignore? Pretending to not see me any more No smiles to exchange, no twinkling eyes Igno