Dear Mom

Here comes another Mother's Day
So I write one more poem for you today
You will definitely be bored of this I know
But its the only way my love I can show!
Because I can't thank you enough you see
For the excruciating pain you took to birth me,
The career you gave up to have me raised
Your selfless sacrifice will always be praised...
How you listened to my rantings of the whole day
The hours of your life that I stole, I cannot repay...
The tantrums I threw, how often I cried over a silly thing!
You were patient, reassuring...a smile you always managed to bring
At bedtime & mealtime your Tuan Tuin stories rock,
How fashionably you stitched every one of my frock!
The barbie dolls & crayons you rewarded as prize
Winning became easier with the motivation you devised
Your terrific genes were more than I could ask for
Intelligence, creativity...and the Nature I adore
You are are my first teacher,
a tailor, a gardener, even an interior decorator!
a mathematician, a physicist, & my best friend,
Also a chef, a feminist...your talents have no end!
You are more than a are a beautiful human
You are rare, an individual with no second
You have done your family proud
By standing out from the crowd
So regret not, you haven't failed at all
You've raised the daughters who can pick you up if you ever fall!
Rest your hands on our shoulders now
We will take care of you, if you allow
So don't act so strong anymore
It's okay to bend down with the weight you bore!
Let us take pride in caring for you
It's our turn to show our love is true!
And so with this poem let me wish
"Happy Mother's Day!" with a 😘


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