
It took me a while
To look back and smile
The tears are now dried
No more regrets that I tried
All there is left is a bit of guilt
that I couldn't save the friendships I'd built
If only I had said sorry more often
"Sorry for all the blame and accusation
Sorry for hurling every last insult
Sorry for making things so difficult
Sorry that I trampled on your heart
Sorry that we had to grow so apart
Sorry for all the promises I broke
Sorry for all the harsh words I spoke
Sorry that I didn’t realize it was so rude
Sorry that I never understood
Sorry for being so immature
Sorry for not being able to endure
Sorry for often losing my temper
Sorry for being so unnecessarily bitter
Sorry for never listening to you
Sorry for doubting you weren't true
Sorry that I eventually drove you mad
Sorry that I couldn’t see that I made you sad
Sorry for what I put you through
Sorry you didn’t deserve to be so blue"
So sorry that all the respect was lost
All these mistakes came at an immense cost
Tarnished memories, no sorry can rewrite
The burden of this terrible guilt is no delight
I wish I never had to be this sorry
I wish I just had a happy story
Maybe it’s all my fault, I was pretty bad
Being sorry won’t bring back what we could’ve had
Maybe it’s time to reflect within
At least attempt to absolve all the sin?
So yes, I apologize deeply from my heart
Please someday let’s have a fresh start?
But I'm afraid you won’t forgive me at all
I did push all your buttons, I hate to recall
Oh! I just want to run away as far as I can
How will I ever face you again in my lifespan?
Perhaps its best we stay apart
But I promise I'll always keep you in my heart
Because you were special always remember that
You deserve someone better, that's a fact
I'm flawed, now I see it bright and clear
why you left me after getting so near
It's ok, I'll be ok, I promise I will be
tough, strong and'll see!
Now that I know what I was doing wrong
Bless me O' Lord, I'll be so strong
Never again shall I carry this burden
Never again shall I be abandoned
With age there are so many lessons learnt
For a better future, the past has to be burnt
Each day is an opportunity to grow with time
The only change is me, myself and what's mine!
So yes, I apologize deeply from my heart
Let me now have a fresh start....


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