Footprints on the Road

Embossed on this fine road,
My footprints will not erode
Forgive me, I didn't intend to deface
I am guilty of only leaving my trace

No one cares for me, no one will remember
After all I am only a stray, not a dear
I am not worthy of being your pet
I am dirty, rowdy and a threat

You are keen to chase me away,
You throw stones, kick and betray
my trust, when you call me near
Fool me, only to mock your friend’s fear

Why am I not lovable at all?
Didn’t you pat me when I was small?
Now that I have grown up in the street
You refuse to play…instead you mistreat!

I envy the collar he carries with pride
I am alone; he has you by his side
He knows the love I will never know
There isn't a kind voice to ease my woe

Am I any different from him?
Maybe my shabby coat makes me the victim?
But am I not exactly the same within?
All I dream of is your heart to win

When my life comes to an untimely end
I am afraid I will have made no best friend
With no gravestone, my memory who will cherish?
Please let me leave some mark before I perish!

I tread carefully on the freshly laid cement
Just enough to leave my paw-shaped dent
Hoping these footprints on the road will portray
The lonely life of a stray….


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