Bitter Memories

Memories lingering in my mind,
What do you intend to remind?
Hasn’t the past already gone away?
Why won’t you let me live in my today?!

Why do those memories still remain?
When they can never soothe my pain!
Don’t they just bring more tears?
A thousand times over the years….

Reminiscence thus comes at a great cost
Sleepless nights, days spent in being lost
While tragic memories bring you tears
Happy ones make you miss those years!

Haunting me over and over again
These hurtful memories only pertain
To a wretched broken heart
Writhing in torment, torn apart

Flashbacks playing at the close of the eyes
Reliving them differently in innumerable tries
But the lies don’t help, I drown in remorse
My guilt only aggravates this unbearable loss!

Why does this memory have to ever last?
Why does my present wander to my past?
Each second spent to recall what’s gone
Makes it even harder to move on

It’s a wicked trap that befalls all men
For the now is only in transit to be then
Time spent remembering moments passed
Turns the present into a ruined past

Is living in the moment really the key?
To let go of the past and be truly free?
Look ahead, hopeful of the time to come
Not behind, you cannot change the outcome!

The only lesson memories have to teach
The rules of time you cannot breach
Once engraved, you cannot undo
It’s forever, you cannot start anew

No regret, tears or longing will bring peace
With acceptance only, the pain will decrease
We live only once, so be whimsical
Today is all that matters after all


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